AC Trip 6: Nieuwpoort (BE) – Londen (UK) – Nieuwpoort (BE)

15/09/2024 - 21/09/2024
€170/day per person

On this trip, we set sail to London along the meanders of the river Thames while enjoying the upcoming London skyline and the famous Tower Bridge. We reserve a berth in the historical center of London, the marina of St Katharina Docks.
The stopovers in this trip are Dover, Ramsgate, or Queensborough, depending on weather and tides.
On top of that, this trip also contains not one, but 2 worthwhile “channel crossing”.

Date: 15/09/24 – 21/09/24
Distance: +/- 150 NM

The participation fee for the multi-day tours is €170 per person per day. In addition, there are costs shared by the participants, such as harbour fees, diesel, drinks and food. The skipper does not share the costs for diesel and harbour fees outside the home port.
For meals on board, shopping is done together. We enjoy cooking and eating together, or, by arrangement, we are tempted by a local eatery.

Reserved – on request

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